What Is This?


Hello!  My name is Sam and this is my fancy new blog.  There are a couple of reasons why I am making this:

  • I love to read.  I love to read anything and everything and I especially love to discuss what I read.  These will be typically one sided discussions, but I think my opinions are ready to enter the "market place of ideas," if you will.
  • I'm a passionate writer.  I have dreams one day of writing for or performing on Saturday Night Live.  This blog helps hold me accountable for consistent posts that are well written and if possible, funny and creative. This blog helps me work through the writing process, with rough and final drafts, the whole deal.
  • I have a lot of other interests, (board games, video games, music, movies) and this is a great format for me to talk about them.
  • My parents are going to be empty nesters soon, so I may as well give them one more way to keep them updated on my life. 
My main focus of this blog will be books.  I have one main goal that encompasses this blog in it's entirety:

I want the author of this book to somehow know that his or her work is appreciated.  If I can help them realize that their words impact their reader's life, I'll have done the job I set out to do.

This goes the same for other forms of entertainment and the other things I review.  I want this blog to be a shout out to whoever helped to make the movie, video game, book, whatever it is.  They deserve recognition and this is a small way I can give that to them.

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